Benefits Of Offering Yoga To Your Community

Help reduce stress and anxiety in your community by offering yoga classes.
min read

To say that this year has been strange is putting it lightly. Everyone across the country, and even the world, has been dealing with some heavy stuff and has been forced to make difficult decisions for themselves and their families.

Take this time as an opportunity to connect even more with your community and offer it solace from the stressors of the world through yoga—in person or virtually. Yoga has the power to help reduce stress and anxiety, as well as curb depression, all while helping maintain a healthy lifestyle through exercise. There are benefits abound when adding a yoga program to your organization or going virtual if you already have a program in place. Offering yoga will not only benefit your community, it will aid in building trust in your organization as a place to go to help relieve stress and anxiety as well.

Health Benefits of Yoga

The health advantages of yoga are vast, and nearly everyone who regularly participates can see the physical benefits from this 5,000-year-old discipline. This posture-based activity does more than improve flexibility and physical fitness, it also:

  • Aids in sleeping more soundly
  • Reduces cortisol levels
  • Improves medical conditions like chronic back pain
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Lowers heart rate
  • Improves sense of well-being
  • Reduces muscle tension
  • Slows the aging process

Along with physical benefits, the emotional and mental benefits are also a huge advantage as well. Those who practice yoga learn how to be in the moment and bringing their awareness inward. Yoga improves your mood, mindfulness and overall behavior, as well as assists in developing the skills needed to cope with stress, anxiety and depression.

Stress Relief Through Yoga

According to Psychology Today, over 85% of people who did yoga reported that it helped them relieve stress. That same article also states, “One of the main concepts in yoga is being non-judgmental toward both yourself and others, which is a powerful tool for stress relief since much of our stress comes from us being hard on ourselves or frustrated with others.”

In giving your community the space to allow themselves to just be themselves, while also helping your members become wholly focused on being present within the moment, is a gift that keeps on giving. In encouraging your participants to give themselves a break, you are creating an atmosphere that promotes positivity while becoming a pillar in which your community relies on time and time again as a place for comfort, consolation and relief.

Implementing Yoga Programs

For organizations that already have yoga programs in place but have reduced or canceled classes due to the pandemic, taking your instruction online is ideal alternative, so that you can connect with your members while also offering them the amazing benefits your organization has to offer. Start implementing more virtual offerings to your community—the easier it is for them to take part in your classes, the more likely they are to participate.

If your organization has yet to implement a yoga program, offering a hybrid of in-person and virtual instruction will aid in the success of your new offering. Offer courses for all age groups and levels of experience. Include classes for seniors, pregnant women, mommy and me classes and even options for kids. If your members are in need of equipment, make sure to have some available if it is going to take place in-person (following proper socially distant protocols). If your class is virtual, offer your members the ability to check out sanitized equipment like yoga mats, yoga blocks, bolsters, belts or whatever else they may need depending on their level of expertise and experience.

From engaging your community, streamlining your operations and managing participation, the ACTIVENet software will help your organization perform at its best. Speak with a specialist today to learn how ACTIVENet can make your organization succeed.

ACTIVE’s Camp & Class Manager solution makes these efforts much easier and more effective. The all-in-one solution offers your organization the ability to create professionally branded, eye-catching emails with easy-to-use templates, as well as send them to current and potential members. With Camp & Class Manager’s integrated social media, you will be able to grow your registrations and membership with ease. Talk to a specialist today!

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Jessica Harp
Marketing Specialist, B2B
October 26, 2020
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